Fez-o-rama Blog

#68 The UV Sugar Skull Limited Edition

Tiki Oasis Preview #5 Each year at Tiki Oasis we bring a few special limited edition designs. This year will be no different. Here we have the first of our...

#68 The UV Sugar Skull Limited Edition

Tiki Oasis Preview #5 Each year at Tiki Oasis we bring a few special limited edition designs. This year will be no different. Here we have the first of our...

#67 The Ku Fez

Tiki Oasis Preview #4 Despite all of our planning, every year I end up designing fezzes right up to the last minute. This year I decided to plan even for...

#67 The Ku Fez

Tiki Oasis Preview #4 Despite all of our planning, every year I end up designing fezzes right up to the last minute. This year I decided to plan even for...

#66 The Sugar Skull

Tiki Oasis Preview #3 Many of you may have noticed that we have what might appear to be an unhealthy obsession with skull designs. We actually came to terms with...

#66 The Sugar Skull

Tiki Oasis Preview #3 Many of you may have noticed that we have what might appear to be an unhealthy obsession with skull designs. We actually came to terms with...

#65 The Mayan Jaguar Returns

Tiki Oasis Preview #2 Next up in our series of previews we have the return of the Mayan Jaguar. This is an update of one of my earliest designs that...

#65 The Mayan Jaguar Returns

Tiki Oasis Preview #2 Next up in our series of previews we have the return of the Mayan Jaguar. This is an update of one of my earliest designs that...

#64 The Mermaid Fez

This week’s fez is one of my spur of the moment designs. I brought my sketchbook to lunch on Monday and while waiting for my food I began sketching mermaid...

#64 The Mermaid Fez

This week’s fez is one of my spur of the moment designs. I brought my sketchbook to lunch on Monday and while waiting for my food I began sketching mermaid...

#63 The Tomainian Fez

This week we continue our series of early 20th Century fictional nation state fezzes. This also continues my ongoing series of tributes to my comedy idols. The Tomainian Fez is...

#63 The Tomainian Fez

This week we continue our series of early 20th Century fictional nation state fezzes. This also continues my ongoing series of tributes to my comedy idols. The Tomainian Fez is...