Fez-o-rama Blog

#78 The Freedonian Elite

This week we are introducing a special variant of our Freedonian Fez. The The Freedonian Elite Fez is the headgear of choice of the Freedonian Elite Guards… that or it...

#78 The Freedonian Elite

This week we are introducing a special variant of our Freedonian Fez. The The Freedonian Elite Fez is the headgear of choice of the Freedonian Elite Guards… that or it...

#77 The Vacuum Tube Fez

It’s the audiophile’s thinking cap! The perfect fez for those evenings spent relaxing at home listening vintage radio programs as you bask in the warm glow emanating from an antique...

#77 The Vacuum Tube Fez

It’s the audiophile’s thinking cap! The perfect fez for those evenings spent relaxing at home listening vintage radio programs as you bask in the warm glow emanating from an antique...

#76 The Inspector Spacetime Fez

I believe the Inspector said best himself when he exclaimed: I wear a fez presently. For fezzes are appropriate when one wants to keep one’s head warm without disrupting one’s...

#76 The Inspector Spacetime Fez

I believe the Inspector said best himself when he exclaimed: I wear a fez presently. For fezzes are appropriate when one wants to keep one’s head warm without disrupting one’s...

#75 The Mystic Order of Elder Gods Fez

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em… or at least form an organization to worship them in the hope to be first in line for the Great Devouring. As you...

#75 The Mystic Order of Elder Gods Fez

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em… or at least form an organization to worship them in the hope to be first in line for the Great Devouring. As you...

#74 The Cthulhu Fez Silver Screen Edition

To commemorate our participation in the HPLovecraft Film Festival this weekend we are presenting a special Silver Screen edition of our original Cthulhu Fez design. This limited edition fez features...

#74 The Cthulhu Fez Silver Screen Edition

To commemorate our participation in the HPLovecraft Film Festival this weekend we are presenting a special Silver Screen edition of our original Cthulhu Fez design. This limited edition fez features...

#73 The Official SIR! Fez

This week’s fez is a special project for filmmaker and internet iconoclast Kevin Smith! Way back in May I had the honor of being interviewed by Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes on...

#73 The Official SIR! Fez

This week’s fez is a special project for filmmaker and internet iconoclast Kevin Smith! Way back in May I had the honor of being interviewed by Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes on...