#78 The Freedonian Elite

freedonian-eliteThis week we are introducing a special variant of our Freedonian Fez. The The Freedonian Elite Fez is the headgear of choice of the Freedonian Elite Guards… that or it was the hat worn by Firefly’s backroom poker cronies. Honestly we aren’t very clear on our fictional histories… or is that historic fictions. What we do know is this Freedonian Fez is red… which makes it go faster? Look, it’s late. I have to fly to Seattle in the morning and this should have been posted a week ago when it was made. We’ve got a small batch of these but Zeppo knows when we will have them posted to the site. Now, if you happen to be in Los Angeles on November 5th or 6th you could just stop by our booth at the Comikaze Expo and grab one of these fine fuzzy fezzes for yourself!
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