#76 The Inspector Spacetime Fez

spacetimeI believe the Inspector said best himself when he exclaimed:
I wear a fez presently. For fezzes are appropriate when one wants to keep one’s head warm without disrupting one’s ability to look upwards.
Ok, sometimes he’s not the most eloquent of public speakers but the Space Master has to spend all of his time protecting the Earth from threats like the Circuit-Chaps and Blogons. I admit I’m a bit late to the party on this in internet time but we were in rural Illinois without data coverage so cut me some slack. I was actually working on a completely different Fez of the Week design when we finally got caught up on the season debut of Community. This is one of our absolute favorite shows created by one of the guys behind one of my all-time favorite comic books. How could I resist using this as an inspiration for one of my notorious spur-of-the-moment fez designs. This high profile deep blue velvet fez is a 2X (24”) and if you are interested in grabbing this prototype head on over to the site and snatch it up …and if you don’t happen to be a 2X and find the need to own one of these rare fezzes, let me know. I might be persuaded to make a few more. Update: Fez of the Week #76 has been sold. UPDATE #2: In protest of the recent announcement regarding the Mid-season, I'm opening up Fez #76 for Pre Order!
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