Fez-o-rama Blog

Fez Friday Challenge Week 3

Week 3 of our current challenge has been collected!   You still have two more chances to enter into this month’s drawing for a custom fez stand! Remember you must...

Fez Friday Challenge Week 3

Week 3 of our current challenge has been collected!   You still have two more chances to enter into this month’s drawing for a custom fez stand! Remember you must...

Fez Friday Challenge Week 1

This past Friday started our latest Fez Friday challenge that will culminate on Memorial Day Weekend at which point we will draw winners. This round’s prize is a custom fez...

Fez Friday Challenge Week 1

This past Friday started our latest Fez Friday challenge that will culminate on Memorial Day Weekend at which point we will draw winners. This round’s prize is a custom fez...

Last Week on Fez Friday 4-20-12

Fez Fridays are still going strong on the Twitter so it may be time to start another give-away! For the next 5 Fridays, culminating on Memorial Day Weekend, we will...

Last Week on Fez Friday 4-20-12

Fez Fridays are still going strong on the Twitter so it may be time to start another give-away! For the next 5 Fridays, culminating on Memorial Day Weekend, we will...

February Fez Friday Winner

Here is yet another woefully belated post that should have been up weeks ago: Last month we held another of our Fez Friday Foto challenges over on the Twitter. If...

February Fez Friday Winner

Here is yet another woefully belated post that should have been up weeks ago: Last month we held another of our Fez Friday Foto challenges over on the Twitter. If...

Fezbruary #FezFriday Finale

The photos are in and it is time to draw a winner. First up a quick recap of the four Fridays: February 3rd: February 10th: February 17th: February 24th: Ok...

Fezbruary #FezFriday Finale

The photos are in and it is time to draw a winner. First up a quick recap of the four Fridays: February 3rd: February 10th: February 17th: February 24th: Ok...

#FezFriday 2-24-12

The final Fez Friday for Fezbruary! Here is the fourth and final collection of fez shots for this month’s Fez Friday Foto Challenge which means later this week we will...

#FezFriday 2-24-12

The final Fez Friday for Fezbruary! Here is the fourth and final collection of fez shots for this month’s Fez Friday Foto Challenge which means later this week we will...