Many years ago we had the honor of making the official TWiT fez for one of our idols, Leo Laporte. We first met Leo in person when we went to visit his studio where he was producing his This Week in Tech netcasts as well as many other shows that make up the TWiT Network. Leo and his network have continued to evolve and grow and in 2011 they up and moved into their glamorous TWiT Brick House studio just a few blocks away from their first studio in Petaluma California. When we finally managed to make the trip up to Northern California to visit the new digs in person, we presented Leo with a new fez worthy of his new set. Now to celebrate our participation in the 24 Hours of 2015: A Benefit for UNICEF we're expanding the TWiT Brick House Fez into a complete collection. These fezzes will be made to order throughout 2015. See us sporting the new styles while we celebrate New Years at the 24 Hours of 2015 celebration at the TWiT Brick House.

TWiT's 24 Hours of 2015 - Hour 18

We appear around the 6 minute mark. We auctioned off 12 of the classic TWiT fezzes during the show to raise money for UNICEF. Thanks to everyone that placed bids and especially to those that donated directly to the campaign.