Sketch Cards

If you've been following us on one (or more) of our social media accounts you may have seen some of the sketches Jason (and occasionally Troy) has done during his spare time at shows.
   We originally started out sketching on gable boxes but with the creation of our Basket Cases, and their dedicated sketch card pocket, we've upgraded to sketching on specialized cards that can be collected and framed. These are a lot easier to work with in small spaces and we're less likely to run out of them during a show. While this started out as a way to keep Jason occupied and out of Maya's way during a convention, we have been getting more and more requests for sketches from our online friends. So we're setting up a system for people to request original Sketch Cards directly from Jason. As this is an experiment, we will likely be tweaking things  up for the foreseeable future as we learn what works and what Jason can deal with outside of his fezmongering duties. Some of the things we want to implement in the future depending on interests:
  • A Sketch Challenge Randomizer
  • Special request pet portraits
  • Limited Edition Prints
For now we are starting out with a simple sketch request form. If the sketch challenge is accepted you will receive a link for direct payment and your Sketch Card will be sent in a protective envelope. At this time we are not able to include sketch cards with fez orders without creating a delay in shipping, as Jason does his work in an entirely separate location from the fez stock. If you are interested in an original Sketch Card click below.

Sketch Card Request Form

Form is not currently available but you can contact me via social media if you are in need of a sketch card.