Tiki Kon Preview
We're hitting the road to the Pacific North West for Tiki Kon 2018!
Unfortunately this does we will not be able to make any fezzes while we're out of the studio and all of the Tiki Themes fezzes are packed up and making the trip with us.
Please expect possible shipping delays on any orders made before we return on July 20th.
Now that the "Out of Office" notice is covered let's see the new stuff making it's debut at Tiki Kon!
First up we have the Tiki Monkey Fez in red velvet with a custom printed linen tip and the special emerald green velvet edition of the Hiamoe Tiki Fez. We made about 25 of each in a range of sizes.
Next we have two designs I'm really excited about: The "Tapa Tipped" Hiamoe Tiki and Hari Tiki fezzes. Another batch of 25 on the Hiamoe Tiki and an extra large batch of 35 for the Hari Tiki were made in a full range of sizes.
And if that isn't enough...
We did a special limited batch of our classic Waka design in purple with a NEW "Tapa Tip" in both a fez and chapeau style. There are only about a dozen of each in a range of sizes so these may not be around long on Saturday.
Vending is all day Saturday the 14th at the Red Lion on the River. 10 am to 4:30 pm is free and open to the public.
Whatever survives the weekend will get posted to the website next week.
After Tiki Kon we head up to Tacoma for a special event with our friends Horror in Clay at Devil's Reef. Then once we recover from that, we start the long drive South towards home.
By the way...
Joe will be able to continue to ship orders if it happens to be for something we left behind, otherwise we will do our best to put aside items ordered and get them to Joe as soon as we return. All back-orders will have to wait until we get back before we can even get started on them.