The Ambigram Fez
I'm way overdue on posting this design to the website but things have been a little crazy... well crazier than our usual level of crazy around here.
Way back in our early days I did a design of a red fez with the word FEZ embroidered in gold on it. I enjoyed the simplicity of a fez that announced exactly what it was but there was one flaw, it didn't read well in a mirror. I wanted a design that not only told others what one was wearing but also informed the wearer what was on their head when they caught a glimpse of themselves in a reflection. So I set about making a slightly more stylized version of the word FEZ that would function as a reflective ambigram.
The Ambigram made its debut at C2E2 way back in March and it has finally made its way to the website.
Now after a long night of celebration, you can stumble into the bathroom and instantly get an answer to your silent question of: What the hell is that on my head?!? You'll unfortunately have to work out the answer to the question: What the hell did I drink last night?!? on your own.
Ambigram fezzes are in stock and ready to ship now. Look for the Ambigram Fez to make an appearance at our upcoming shows.