We are still here!
Like many people these days, we are in a "shelter in place" situation but that is not stopping us from keeping Fez-o-rama going.
Maya and I produce all of the fezzes in our home studio and will continue to do so as long as our supplies last.
Joe is working from his home and will continue to ship fezzes and accessories from his place.
We may experience a slight delay in shipping newly made fezzes depending on what is ordered with them and if we need to hand off the fezzes to Joe or if we can ship the order with what we have in our studio, but so far the delays are at most a few days total.
We really appreciate all of the support we have been given in these trying times. It is pretty scary running your own business during a pandemic, but the love and support of our fans has really made a difference.
Half of our scheduled shows for 2020 have already been cancelled but we look forward to a time when we can once again venture out and share some joy with our fellow Fez Heads.