2024 Fez Madness Tourney
It's almost Spring and that means it's time for our Patreon members to hold the 4th Annual Fez Madness Design Concept Tournament!
The past three tournaments have been extremely exciting with some fierce competitions. Who knows what this year's tourney will bring.
2023 Tournament Champion: The Intrepid Adventurers of the Jungle pitch became a whole collection!
This will be the same single elimination tournament format as previous years with a few small tweaks to the "pre-season" stage.
Here is the plan as it currently stands:
(subject to sudden changes and irrational whims)
The Fezorati Pre-season
[Fezorati Tiers Only]
- Concept pitch entries are open to Fezorati and Fezorati X5 members
- An individual Fezorati member can create multiple pitch entries (one concept per entry) but only a maximum of two pitches per member will be eligible to enter the actual tourney
- Entries are collected via a Google Form: Design name + short description (limited to 140 characters total) and a 2nd optional supplementary design description if needed. (The 140 character limit is due to the Patreon Poll format)
- If anyone wants to get group feedback on their idea before they enter it, they can post it to the #Fezstorming channel on Discord or send me a direct message.
- Concepts can also be posted as comments for feedback but that does not qualify as an entry. Only the Google Docs Form will be used.
- The pitches will be filtered for viability (please read the pitch guidelines before entering) and qualifying pitches will be put into culling polls
- Fezorati members will vote to cull the list down to a Top 16 based only on their short descriptions
- All pitches will be sorted by the number of total votes they receive in the Culling Polls
- A Wild Card vote may occur if there isn't a clear distinction between the 16th and 17th positions
- Top 16 design pitches will then be divided into two conference brackets Sunshine Conference and the Moonlight Conference
The 2024 Fez Madness Tourney
[All member tiers can participate in the tourney votes]
- 8 Round One votes based on just the short written description of each pitch. One bracket vote is released in the morning and one in the evening on 4 consecutive days. Each poll is open for 36hrs.
- I will create a rough sketch for each of the 8 Round One winning concepts to include in the Round Two votes.
- 4 Round Two votes based on the written description and the rough sketches
- The 4 Round Two winners get further developed sketches
- 2 Round Three votes to decide the League Champions
- The two finalists will get a refined illustration locking in some more details of the concepts
- The Fez Madness Final vote takes place
- The tourney winner gets turned into an embroidery and the fez gets released (depending on the final concept design this could take multiple forms)
- The member that submits the winning pitch gets their winning design fez for free as well as a special trophy
Our goal is to get the Tourney up and running by the end of February, so that only gives us 4 weeks to collect ideas and cull them down to 16.
If you are not yet a member and would like to participate in future votes please check out Patreon.com/Fezmonger