Every New Years we set out to start the year right by watching the entire series of Marx Brothers films in order. It is a great way to kick off the calendar shift and helps set the tone for the months to come. Unfortunately last year we broke from that tradition as we were out-of-town for the holiday and I think 2015 suffered for it. This year we're back to form and we've brought a special edition fez to mark our return.
The Freedonian Fez ~ 2015 Edition
The Marx Brothers had a huge influence on my early development and I vividly recall begging my parents to let me stay up and watch their movies on tv during the annual Marx Brothers week. It was a highlight of my 5-year-old self's television experience. The repercussions can still be seen today as I credit Groucho's choice of head-wear in A Night in Casablanca for my current career path.
This is the third version of the Freedonian Fez we have produced and the second special Fez of the Week edition. These will only be available for order for one week, so it will be a very limited edition design.
The Freedonian Fez features the regal seal of Freedonia embroidered in glorious color on a background of maroon velvet on a tall royal blue fez.
Order by January 4th
So take no gruff from those Silvanian heathens. Hail! Hail! Freedonia!