We're Hitting the Road pt 1: Phoenix Comicon
This month we are taking Fez-o-rama on the road as we have a pair of Cons in rapid succession. So instead of trying to get back home in time to pack for a flight right back out, we’re keeping our car pointed North East and making it into a road trip.
May 23rd-26th, 2013 Memorial Day Weekend at the Phoenix Convention Center. This will be our second time exhibiting at PhxCC and last year was such a great time we can’t wait to get back there.
We’ll be right in the heart of the action in booth #796 and we’re bringing the latest version of the notorious Fez-o-booth as well as all sorts of fezzes from our latest designs as well as some of the classics.
Phoenix is a huge show with lots to do and see. I can’t recommend this one enough. Let us know if you are planning to attend and be sure to stop by the booth and say hi. I’ll once again be live sketching on fez boxes, posting photos with fellow Fez Heads and generally mucking about.
On Friday May 24th at 4:30pm in room 124A Alvin Ong (Furry Feline Creatives) Daniel m. Davis (Steam Crow) and myself, will be discussing how to start, grow, and nurture your talent into an indy art business. Learn some of the secrets of getting started from some incredibly experienced creators …and a guy that makes weird hats.
We’ll be covering such getting-started topics as: balancing life and work, getting the word out, and commanding an unholy robot army of destruction. The last 15 min will be dedicated to Q & A …assuming we don’t degrade into an impromptu bawdy puppet show by the 35min mark.
After the con, Maya and I will be packing our car back up and heading towards our next show in Denver, but on the way we plan to stop by the Grand Canyon and post many photos from the road. So keep an eye on the social medias!
Our first stop: The Phoenix Comicon

On top of our usual show shenanigans, we’re doing a panel!