We're getting back in the groove

2010 came out of nowhere and kicked us to the curb. We have simply been swamped with "real life" things like moving and day jobs as well as a few industry conventions and the start of our annual charity event in March. Needless to say there is a lot on our plates as we try to get our fezzes restocked for 2010.

Currently we are working on a large batch of Robot Overlords since these have been out of stock for some time and we've gotten numerous requests for them. It may take us a while to get all of the designs restocked and to be completely honest we will likely sell out of many sizes of the Robot before we even get the next style started.

As I stated above, we are starting to work on our annual fundraiser to fight cancer. Keep an eye out for the new special editions for this year's 24hr Cancer Dante-a-thon fezzes. Our teamis already collecting donations and you can learn more about us and the event at the team's website: www.cultoftheeye.com I know there are a lot of things that need our generosity these days and while this is our main charity at Fez-o-rama rest assured that we personally donate to help out in other areas like the relief efforts in Haiti.

We will also have a number of new announcements throughout the year so be sure to check back here on the blog or simply follow me on twitter @Fezmonger to get all the juicy details of my ridiculous life.

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