Tiki Oasis Preview 2 #tikio
[caption id="attachment_286" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Limited Edition of 25 - photo by Matt Cobleigh"]
Only two more days until we load the car!
Next up on our preview: the Limited Edition Afriti on 2 Tone Leopard! This is a new design inspired by numerous ideas. I wanted to do something with the leopard print but the very nature of natural camouflage makes it difficult to design on, hence the two tone fez. The leopard velvet also suggested something a bit more African than Polynesian so drawing on some of the traditions of African masks I started sketching up ideas. This one came pretty quickly.
Afriti means "evil genius" in Swahili and that seemed appropriate for the sort of fez worn by a mysterious kingpin in some exotic hotel.
The signed and numbered Afriti 2 tone goes on sale this Saturday in the Fez-o-rama booth at the Tiki Oasis Marketplace!