As part of the 2010 Spring Cleaning initiative - a desperate attempt at cleaning and organizing our shelves - we have decided to reach back into the Fez-o-rama archives and revisit a few of the designs that got us started. The Skull & Bones was one of the earliest fezzes we offered and the graphic is even older. I used this logo long before I made my first fez and was one of the designs I had planned when the idea of Fez-o-rama first percolated into existence. Well we've revisited this design one more time and we're using it to clear out some of the random cuts of velvet we had in our stockpile.
Some styles will be limited to 1 or 2 fezzes, others may only be in a few sizes so if you are interested in one of these keep an eye on the website and act quickly! The one you want might go quick.
Some styles will be limited to 1 or 2 fezzes, others may only be in a few sizes so if you are interested in one of these keep an eye on the website and act quickly! The one you want might go quick.