"Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse" is a comedy about a struggling comedy duo who learn that surviving the end of civilization is almost as difficult as surviving in Hollywood. It's like one of those old Hope and Crosby "Road to..." movies meets Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"...but funnier. Fez-o-rama designed the fezzes for the members of the mysterious Muskrat Club, a secret society for the rich and powerful that Diani & Devine run into during their search for a safe place to survive the apocalypse. These fezzes will be worn in the film by the likes of Barry Bostwick (Rocky Horror Picture Show, Spin City), Harry Groener (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and Armin Shimerman (Star Trek: DS9, Buffy). For more information on how you can still pre-order digital downloads, DVDs, T-shirts, and more to support the film or watch the over 30 hilarious videos made to promote their Kickstarter campaign go to www.ddmta.com.The Muskrat Club Fez will make its public debut at the Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, March 28-30 at the Fez-o-rama Booth #807. We'll have the first batch of fezzes with us but we are opening up a Pre-order for fezzes to ship the first week of April. Place your order now and we will make your fez as soon as we return.
The Muskrat Club Fez
Come along and join the club that's made for the rich and powerful!
In January I was asked if I would like to make fezzes for a really cool project, I of course could not resist. An independent film was being made thanks to the generous support of people everywhere through Kickstarter. The creators, Gabriel Diani and Etta Devine, were looking for a special fez to be worn by some characters that were members of a secret society of the rich and powerful. It seemed like just my sort of thing and instead of using one of our past designs, I knew immediately that I wanted to create something new, something special. They told me that the working name of the society was the Muskrat Club and that they were thinking of perhaps a rat skull as the main element. Now, as a long time rat-lover, I have been looking for an excuse to make a rat themed fez and I was immediately on board. I wanted this to have a really classic feel to this fez, something old-world and ominous, with just a hint of screwball comedy to it. Something that would fit in with the inspiration for the movie.