The HP Lovecraft Film Fest
Our next public appearance will be a Fez Friday of the Weird!
On the 16th & 17th of September we will be bringing our special brand of insanity out to the Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro Ca. to take part in the HP Lovecraft Film Fest.
We will be bringing our Cthulhu fezzes along with a few new surprises, so if you are in Southern California next week and are in the mood for some weird horror, be sure to come on down and stop by the Fez-o-booth to save a few bucks on fez shipping!
Keep an eye on the Fez-o-blog this week as we post teasers of our new styles over the next week.
HPL Film Fest poster by David Milano
Hear Paul and Chris from the News from Pnokotus podcast talk about our Cthulhu Fezzes and learn what all the fuss is about!