Spring Cleaning

It is that time of year when one looks around one's surroundings and their thoughts turn towards one of the great mysteries of life. Thoughts like: Where the hell did all of this crap come from and why is it still on my shelves?!? 
Yup, it is time for some clearing out and organizing.

Turns out I have been creating quite the stockpile of odd cuts of fabric, some over four years old. I'm not sure what I was saving them for, so now it is time that something was done. Over the next few weeks we're going to be sewing up all these random fez pieces and putting them up on the website. All of this sudden activity is in an effort to clear and organize our workspace and make way for the Big New Ideas that have been rattling around in my head for far too long.

If you pay attention and act quickly you may be able to snag one of these rare, random or restocked designs. Some are old designs we are pulling out of the files for one more piece, some are new versions of our classics on random fabrics and others are just designs waiting for us to get around to restocking sold-out sizes.

Any way you look at it, I'm getting some space to fill with new cuts of fabric for new designs in the near future.
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