parts list

Display ring based on 8ft ring made of 12 sections. 6 sections to produce 180º. The Uberfez used 2 sections to cover a 90º opening based on a smaller diameter to accommodate the wall taper.

1/2" MDF 4x8 sheet $17.89 enough to make 6 sets of bottoms and walls with a bit left over.
0.22" Plexi 24"x48" sheet $39.99 enough to squeeze out 3 display tops. The Uberfez used .09" plexi which wasn't very sturdy.

28" taper legs $5.99 per. We used 3 legs per cabinet before but if we bolted each section together we could shave off a few legs.
Threaded leg plate $1.49 each

Approx. $40 per cabinet. If we only make 3 of them with Plexi tops then we would save the $13.33 per Plexi top.

48" piano hinge $9.19 could be used to make the walls fold flat for storage.
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