Keen Halloween 2013

KeenHalloweenOn September 28-29 we will traveling back to Phoenix Arizona to take part in Keen Halloween, a weekend dedicated to the art and craft of a classic Halloween. To mark this auspicious occasion we are producing a special Limited Edition fez featuring the artwork of Daniel Davis of Steam Crow fame and along with his wife Dawna, creator of Keen Halloween. This is the second fez design I have had the privilege of creating with Daniel, the first of course is the official Steam Crow fez created last year and still available on our site. Now normally we would bring a small set of fezzes to the event and whatever made the return trip would be put on the website. The problem with this system is it creates a very limited number of fezzes per size. In some cases only one. So to ensure that those interested can secure their size, and to make it possible for others that can't make it to the event can get in on the fun, we are going to open up a pre-order on this fine fez.

Order yours now!

This fez will be available for order until September 30th after which production will begin and fezzes will be shipped soon after. Act quickly to take advantage of the event pick-up shipping option and pick your fez up at Keen Halloween! Be sure to let us know when you order. The Event Pick-up option will be available until September 23.
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