- Photos must feature you wearing one of your Fez-o-rama fezzes. Not your fez on a shelf, pet or lawn gnome. (those challenges comes later)
- Photos must be taken and posted on that Friday where ever you happen to be.
- While group photos are cool they will only count for the one posting the image. So if each person wants to enter they will need to take their own unique photo.
- While you are welcome to post as many photos you like, you will only be given 1 entry per week in the drawing for the given month.
- Photos posted to Twitter must have the #FezFriday hashtag (@fezmonger doesn’t hurt either so I can find them) FB doesn’t want us doing this on their service so for now Twitter is where it is happening.
- The winner will be randomly chosen after the last Friday in the cycle.
June Fez Fridays Week 1
It is a new month so that means a new Fez Friday Foto Challenge!
This month we are playing for the privilege of pulling the strings on the great fez making puppet. That’s right, you a entering a drawing to be Fezmonger For A Day!
The winning entry will get to create their own variation on a current or past design and make it the Fez of the Week. Now there are some exceptions. Not all of our back catalog can be recreated and we don’t have an unlimited selection of fabrics around here but I will do my best to work with the winner’s vision. Whatever the design ends up being, the winner will get one fez in the size of their choice and that design will be made available for pre-order for a week… maybe more if it is really cool.
Now a quick refresher on the rules:
If you missed the first week, fear not, there are four more chances for you to enter in June.