It's Fezbruary!

It's the return of Fez Fridays!
If you don't know what Fez Friday is then here is the deal. Each Friday of the month we invite everyone to post a photo of themselves wearing a Fez-o-rama fez to Twitter with the hashtag #fezfriday. At the end of the month we will draw one random winner from the eligible entries and give that person a new fez. The photos must be taken and posted on that Friday. You may post as many times as you like but only one entry per week will be counted. The prize goes to the account that posted the selected photo. Be sure to follow as I will be tracking the hashtag and retweeting the photos on my @fezmonger account and if you aren’t following me I won’t be able to contact you if you win. Photos don’t need to be anything specific, you can simply take a shot of you toiling the day away while wearing your fez. If you need any examples just take a look at the past Fez Friday posts. Speaking of fezzes… wait, do we speak of anything other than fezzes around here?The Great Re-stocking of 2012 has begun!
The last few months have been a little crazy around here and we are just now getting caught back up with production. This week alone we have restocked the Police Box, the Flamingo, did the first batch of the D20 and Code Monkey fezzes and we are working on a round of Sons of the Desert.
On top of that we have started taking orders for our latest design featured as a Fez of the Week,
the Biohazard Fez. The prototype was snatched up in mere minutes and production of the first batch will begin this weekend.
We’re only one day in and Fezbruary is already shaping up to be another crazy month.