Gentlemen, start your dance shoes!

Four days until we find out what 24 hours of dancing looks like. Frankly, I'm a little nervous. I don't put much faith in my attention span. I'm likely to snap and start doing the Cabbage Patch or something!

Anyway, Atomic Fezzes numbers 3-8 were finished last night and should be heading out to their new homes today. With the help of these fez sales our team has brought in $16,920.00 in donations. We will probably crack 17k by the time you read this. I am personally amazed by the generosity of all of our supporters. The Dance-a-thon has already gotten over $84,600.00! Thank you all for your donations, involvement and support in getting the word out.

I will try to post from the event as we are looking into ways to provide a slide show of photos as we take them. After this weekend it is back to work on all of the fezzes on the shelf that were put on hold to raise some money for this fine charity.
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