Fez-o-rama September News

Two Great Shows, One Crazy Weekend

The last weekend of September finds us double booked as we were faced with two unique shows in two different states that we just couldn’t say no to. So we’re splitting our forces and doing them both!

H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival Sept 27-29

In Southern California, the Red Squadron will be returning for another assault on the Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro for the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival, September 27-29. They will be vending in the 2nd floor lobby on Friday and Saturday. On display will be all of our Lovecraftian designs as well as a selection of our most popular styles. If you are in the Los Angeles area this is the perfect time to pick up a new fez in person.

Keen Halloween Sept 28 & 29

While HPLFF is going on in our backyard, Omega Team will be invading Phoenix Arizona for our first appearance at Keen Halloween, (we really need to have a meeting about our code names) a weekend dedicated to bringing back the art of the classic Halloween. Think of it as a maker fair for Halloween fans. On top of a slew of great artists showing their wares there will be workshops, contests and a live performance by the Mission Creeps. Since this is our first participation -as well as our first Halloween themed event- we are planning a few special treats! keen-slider We’ll have have two limited edition fezzes on display and for those that can’t make it to the event -or simply want to ensure that their size doesn’t sell out before they arrive- we have opened up a pre-order for a limited time. Place your orders now for once Keen Halloween comes to pass the special editions will be closed. I don’t know if we'll ever attempt a two-theater maneuver again but if you are in either of these areas, we hope to see you in person.

We’ve Restocked Again!

D20 Fez on RedCthulhu FezTesla Coil FezElder Sign on Tweed If you have been bemoaning the availability of some of our more popular designs, fret not! We have been restocking. The D20, Cthulhu, Tesla Coil, and even the Elder Sign on Tweed have recovered their numbers since our last big show. So if you have been waiting for your size to show back up, now is the time to act. I don’t know how ling they will stay in stock and things get crazy as the Holidays loom.

Coming Next Month

With the end of our hectic con season coming to a close, we will finally be able to get back to having some fun. Be prepared as the Fez of the Week project returns with a vengeance in October as we dedicate the month to the sort of designs that go bump in the night. All of this will culminate with the seasonal return of everyone’s favorite kid-punishing Holiday devil and his jolly fat man sidekick in November. As always, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for more up to the minute info than you can possibly stand!
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