Fez-o-rama October News
Wow, we’re only on day 13 and this has already been a crazy busy month for new stuff, and it doesn't look like it will be letting up anytime soon. So let’s jump right in with our biggest announcement made in the last two weeks:
That’s right, after many years of testing and teasing we are finally ready to make it official. We have added a new style of hat to our line-up. The chapeau resembles a modified glengarry and fits differently than our fezzes so be sure to check your hat size before ordering.
Currently there are only a limited number styles available as we ramp up production but keep you eyes out for new stuff in the coming weeks.
I have prototyped a number of chapeau designs that will be available in the coming weeks.
We’re back on our Fez of the Week project and it is kicking back off with the full color version of our Zombie Monkey reboot. This design is available for pre-order through October 18th so time is running short! Place your order now and get it in time for your Halloween scares. By the way a precious few of the monochrome Night of the Zombie Monkey are still available if you prefer your horror without all the color.
Our next Fez of the Week, number 110, will feature the work of our special guest artist Ryan Hungerford. You can see some of his work here and watch for the fez to be posted in a few days! We’re doubling up a bit so we can get these horror themed fezzes shipped out in time for the big end of the month parties. So order early for your best chance for quick delivery.
Looking Forward:
Yup it is almost that time of year again and due to demand we will be unleashing the big guy earlier than ever. Watch for the Pre-Sale to begin near the end of the month. Along with Krampus we will be seeing the return of our Santa Fez as well as a few Holiday surprises as December nears.
If you have bothered to read this far then you might be interested to know that we have a lot of new designs in the works, and I mean a lot. We have all sorts of stuff planned and even a few finished and ready to go into production. Stuff like Lions and Zeppelins and Dragons with Dice… [insert George Takei quote here]
If you want to see these works in progress be sure to follow us on one of those social network things everyone is talking about.
As always, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for more up to the minute info than you can possibly stand!
Introducing the Fez-o-Chapeau!