Fez-o-rama October News

That was one crazy Summer!
The picture you see above was taken at the H. P. Lovecraft Film Fest in the beautiful Warner Grand Theater. This was our final show of our Summer convention season and it lived up to the hype when it comes to insanity. Not only did we debut two new styles at the show but we were also hosting out-of-town friends for the weekend since Fez-o-Joe had conveniently scheduled his wedding for the same evening. All things said and done, the show was great, the wedding was fantastic and congratulations to Joe and his wonderful bride Rebecca who often joins us in the Fez-o-booth at Tiki Oasis. I would also like to thank our good friend Scott for covering the booth while we raced away to the ceremony.
On to the fezzes!
Since the last newsletter we have been very busy juggling a number of projects but that didn’t stop us from releasing a few new styles.
The Ub’thulhu Fez
The latest in our series of Cthulhu designs and our first production fez in Purple, was created for the HP Lovecraft Film Fest to commemorate this year’s lineup of animated films. The Ub’thulhu is not only a celebration of the slumbering guy from the depths but also a tribute to Ub Iwerks, the man that first drew Mickey Mouse. The first batch of Ub’thulhus are now available on our website.
The Elder Sign Fez
This special numbered Limited Edition was created for this year’s HPL Fest as well as being an experiment in a new fabric style. The Elder Sign is a symbol of protection against the Deep Ones and this version of HPL’s own design resides on a fine herringbone tweed fez. Only 13 of these fezzes were made and each comes with a numbered edition pin. Only a few remain so if you are quick you just may be able to get your hands on one. This will not likely be the last we see of the Elder Sign, or the tweed for that matter, but we only had enough to make this small edition this time around.
The Samurai Monkey Fez
September found the debut of our latest monkey design and a rare opportunity to choose between a tall or short version as part of our Pre-sale. We have a full range of low-profiles along with select few of the talls still in stock and ready to ship so you too can honor your simian ancestors with this fine headwear.
The Clockwork Returns!
Our classic Clockwork design returns again and this time it is on our deep brown wavy velvet. This design has been featured on a number of fabrics and each time we had to close the run due to a limited supply of fabric. What can I say, I like experimenting with strange fabrics. Well this is one design I wasn’t quite finished with and since the colors would go so well with our booth at the HPL Fest we quietly made a small batch for the show. The remainders have been posted to the website and are now ready to be ordered but don’t wait too long, these never seem to last.
The Fez of the Week Project Continues!
As you may have noticed, my Fez of the Week posts tend to get pushed aside as we focused on the numerous shows we had this Summer but I have not forgotten about it. However, after the fun we had with the Samurai Monkey last month I have decided to try something a bit different. Starting in the very near future *cough* this Monday *cough* I will post a special fez that will be available for pre-order for one week only. After the pre-order closes the fezzes will be made and we will not speak of it again. These designs might be variations on past favorites, special limited editions or just random ideas that manage to escape from my head. Some designs might actually make it into production but I make no promises.
If you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to get one of these random surprises then be sure to subscribe to the Fez of the Week category on our blog or follow us on one of those social network things… I will post in a random order so you may want to use more than one system to get early notice.
Our Next Public Appearance!

Finally, our server is on the move!
I’m told that our website might be down for a bit on the 10th as our server migrates to a new location. I’ve tried to get Marv, our Code Monkey, to give me more details but I unfortunately don’t understand a thing he is saying. So cross your fingers and light an alter candle for our little corner of the internet. If enough people believe then we may make it out alright.As always, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for more up to the minute info than you can possibly stand!