Fez-o-rama Fall News
The Holidays are fast approaching and while I would prefer to face them one at a time, many of you prefer to practice something called planning ahead… whatever that is. So to accommodate those of you versed in this mysterious tradition, we’re releasing a number of new designs and seasonal favorites in short order.
The Last Flight of the Zenith Erroneous.
First up we have our newest design: The Zeppelin Fez . This one came out of a charity auction we took part in 6 months ago. The winning bid got the chance to direct the creation of a one-of-a-kind fez design. It just so happens that the incredibly generous (and patient) winner was cool with allowing us to offer this design as a production fez.
Since we tend to get pretty busy as the days get shorter we’ve already produced the first batch of these epic fezzes. They are available in a full range of sizes and the first batch is ready to ship now.
Fly the inebriated skies with this night-cap featuring a flying nightcap.
The current Fez of the Week is also our first Chapeau of the Week. As we continue to ramp up production of this new hat style, we’re offering this special leopard and black two-tone design as a pre-sale until November 4th.
We will be making these on a first ordered first shipped basis, so place your order early.
If this is the first notice you have received about the Fez of the Week you may want to change your Newsletter setting to include Fez of the Week and Production categories. Just use the link provided at the top of your Newsletter email.
This is a special fez we created for the students at the Abraham Lincoln High School for the Visual and Performing Arts.
One of our fellow Fez Heads is the music teacher there and his students have developed a taste for fezzes themselves. They eventually decided that they needed a fez featuring their school’s mascot.
Now we’re offering this fez to the public, and to show our support we’re donating $10 of each Lion Fez sold to the Lincoln arts department.

On November 23-24 we’ll be participating in the Long Beach Comic Con for a rare home area appearance in Booth 848.
As always, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for more up to the minute info than you can possibly stand!
So let slip the llamas of fez!
The Zeppelin Fez
The Last Flight of the Zenith Erroneous.
First up we have our newest design: The Zeppelin Fez . This one came out of a charity auction we took part in 6 months ago. The winning bid got the chance to direct the creation of a one-of-a-kind fez design. It just so happens that the incredibly generous (and patient) winner was cool with allowing us to offer this design as a production fez.
Since we tend to get pretty busy as the days get shorter we’ve already produced the first batch of these epic fezzes. They are available in a full range of sizes and the first batch is ready to ship now.
Fez of the Week #111
The Flying Martini Chapeau
Fly the inebriated skies with this night-cap featuring a flying nightcap.
The current Fez of the Week is also our first Chapeau of the Week. As we continue to ramp up production of this new hat style, we’re offering this special leopard and black two-tone design as a pre-sale until November 4th.
We will be making these on a first ordered first shipped basis, so place your order early.
If this is the first notice you have received about the Fez of the Week you may want to change your Newsletter setting to include Fez of the Week and Production categories. Just use the link provided at the top of your Newsletter email.
The Lincoln Lion Fez
This is a special fez we created for the students at the Abraham Lincoln High School for the Visual and Performing Arts.
One of our fellow Fez Heads is the music teacher there and his students have developed a taste for fezzes themselves. They eventually decided that they needed a fez featuring their school’s mascot.
Now we’re offering this fez to the public, and to show our support we’re donating $10 of each Lion Fez sold to the Lincoln arts department.
So get yourself a new fez and support the arts!
The Return of our seasonal favorites: Krampus & Santa!

Last year’s Holiday fezzes are back for another round by popular demand!
We will start taking orders November 1st and continue to offer them on demand for the next 5 weeks. Place your orders early to get these festive fezzes on your noggin in time for your Holiday affairs. Please allow time for us to actually make and ship them.Finally, if you are looking to shop for a fez in what passes as the real world: