The end of the year is fast approaching so I better get one more newsletter in before it is too late!
Speaking of too late:
Krampusnacht is Nigh!

This coming week brings us Krampusnacht and then on the 6th Krampus heads back to the Underworld and with him goes our New Krampus Fez! So get your orders in by December 6th for this festive fez or you will have to wait for his return in 2013. This seasonal fez is made to order so order quickly to have this merry topper for your next Holiday soirée.
..and just in time for Christmas:
The Skull & Bones and Calavera Fezzes are being restocked!

We have been hard at work restocking out popular skull themed fezzes. We have a motto around here: “When in doubt slap a skull on it” and that has served us pretty well so far. These monochromatic nature of these fezzes make them the perfect match for formal attire. Kick off the New Year with one of these dapper fezzes on your pate as you ring out the old and ring in the new.
Fez of the Week #99
The D12-12-2012
For one of the final Fez of the Week designs of the year I thought it would be fitting to bring back the D12. Instead of going with one of our more common color schemes and did a bit of brainstorming with
@Lartist and
@AdamPKnave. We decided on a something of a Mayan color theme to also mark the erroneous end of the Mayan calendar on the 21st. Now as a Fez of the Week, we will be making these to order until December 7th. However, if you want this fez in time to actually wear on 12-12-2012 you better get your orders in now. We’ll need time to actually make and ship them.
On the subject of making and shipping…
The Fezmonger is going on vacation!
For this first time in a long while Maya and I are heading out of town to a destination that does not involve setting up a booth to sell fezzes. Over the last few years I have found it to be increasingly difficult to get in the spirit of any holiday so this year we are taking a preemptive trip to Disney World to be inundated with the holiday spirit. So really it’s not so much vacation as it is Holiday Re-education Camp. What does this mean to you? Well aside from having to endure the onslaught of vacation photos in my social network streams, it means that while I am gone new fez production will be on hold. So if you are thinking of getting a style that is on back order or a plus-size fez (4X-7X) and want it for Christmas, you will need to place your order by the 7th. Joe will still be in town to handle shipping any of the in-stock fezzes so no panic there.
Is there someone in your life suffering with the day to day burden of Fez Envy and you simply don’t know what to do?
Give them a gift certificate and let them help themselves! We have set up a Paypal Gift Certificate for the store so you can simply chose the amount and let the lucky recipient figure out their style and fez size on their own time. Last but nowhere near least:
I leave you with one of the coolest things I have heard in a long time. Our friend and ukulele ace Howlin’ Hobbit has written a song inspired by the Coconut Monkey fez he has been known to sport while busking in and around Seattle. You can find him online at as well as his
YouTube channel. I highly recommend his albums and look forward to hearing the studio version of Coconut Monkey in the near future.
Coconut Monkey by Hobbit and Hare
And finally...
A new website is in the works!
The end of the year also brings a lot of change for us here at Fez-o-rama: new ideas, new equipment, and a new website. Wait - did he just say new website?!? "But I like the website the way it is" you might be saying to yourself…
I assume, not like we are listening in on your thoughts.. Well, this site has done a grand job for us for three years
(24 years in Internet age) and there's a few new things we'd like to present and offer, and to do that we have to send in the construction llamas. This means that there might be times at the end of the month when the website will not be accessible... but fret not – we do our best not to break things around here…
or is it raise the dead? We will do our best not to raise the dead while we upgrade the website!