#92 The Samurai Monkey Fez

Our Obsession with monkeys wearing hats continues in epic form!
sam-monk-low It's a monkey, wearing a Samurai helmet, on a fez! Do we have to diagram the equation of awesomeness that is involved here? See you take the monkey and multiply it with Samurai -don't forget to carry the Bushido- and, look it's not that complica... MONKEY WEARING A SAMURAI HELMET ON A FEZ!!! What started as a simple suggestion made in passing by a friend on the interwebs quickly demanded that it be made real. Now let’s be honest, most fez ideas get filed away in what passes as a conscious mind with the distinct intention of being addressed in the near future -a future that never seems to come around- but occasionally a design idea manages to fire off the right combination of synapses to become an instant obsession of mine. Needles to say a monkey wearing a samurai helmet hits that mark. sam-monk-tallI was so happy with the results of this design that I couldn’t decide if it should go on a Low or a Tall fez. Normally considering the shape and density of this design I would go for a Low Profile style fez but the image has such impact when scaled up to fill a Tall fez that we decided to offer the option of choosing your style during the pre-order process. Something I seldom have the opportunity to do. Since we will be at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo this weekend we decided to start a pre-order now so we could start shipping these as soon as we got back from the convention. Production has already begun so if you want to get yours early place your order now. If you are in the Los Angeles area this week, I am hoping to bring a small batch of these to the Expo along with all of our other fezzes, so instead of spending your cash on shipping you could actually pick up a new fez in person! You will be able to find us in our newly expanded Fez-o-booth in space #1249 Saturday and Sunday.
If you are interested in grabbing your own Samurai Monkey Fez head on over to our pre-order page.
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