All of these Comic Conventions have really messed with my Fez of the Week schedule but this week we have something special for the Denver Comic Con attendees!
To commemorate our first time flying to exhibit at a show as well as my first time visiting the Mile High City we have created this special Limited Edition fez. Only 13 of this particular style will be making the trek to Denver and each will come with a numbered commemorative pin to mark the occasion.
I wanted to create something special for our trip to the first Denver Comic Con but instead of going with a genre theme I thought this would be the perfect time to humor my interest in old-school tech and not so subtle references. The Altimeter Fez features a WW2 era based altimeter embroidery set to the altitude of Denver Colorado… yes, I even took a bit of liberty and set the last two digits to 80.
It’s the perfect fez for pilots, vintage gauge collectors, Denver tour guides and tandem lavatory gymnastics enthusiasts.
This low profile fez of blue wavy velvet features three color embroidery with a black velvet applique and will be making its debut at the Denver Comic Con June 15 at the Fez-o-rama booth. Look for us on the exhibitor floor in booth #102 and if any are left after the show look for them on the Fez of the Week section in a couple of weeks.
Watch for my updates from the convention floor on Twitter and Google+