After a long delay I am finally getting back to old Fez of the Week project.
This week’s fez is a preview of our next collaborative fez project and features the artwork of our friend and incredibly talented illustrator, Daniel Davis. Daniel and his lovely wife Dawna, are the talent behind Steam Crow and have published books, designed a prolific series of art prints and created all sorts of cool things for their shop. We are thrilled to be a small part of their creative endeavors.
What you see here is the prototype for a Limited Edition fez we will be launching in April. The Steam Crow fez features an original Steam Crow pumpkin and crossbones on a rich dark brown velvet Mark VI Tall fez. This one, along with two just like it, were given to the Steam Crow family to wear in their booth at WonderCon last week.
If you are interested in reserving your very own Steam Crow Fez then follow the link to our Pre-order page. Production will begin in April on a first ordered first made basis.