Well as you may have noticed, we've been building up to our big annual charity event over the last month. Many of our generous patrons chipped in to help us raise money for the City of Hope to put towards cancer treatments and research. Here you can see Joe and I (ironically *not* wearing a fez) along with just a few of our Cult of the Eye team mates with the "Big Check" for $180,040.00. Team Cult of the Eye was responsible for over $17,000 of that and came in 2nd place for team totals (we got hammered by Team San Fransisco and their superior Fund Raising Fu!)
While the goal is of course raising money, we wouldn't be a proper fez-wearing secret society without a healthy supply of freestyle antics. To illustrate this I give you video exhibit A:
Needless to say, after being awake for 34 hours straight, it may take us a little time to get back to the fezmongering. So please hang with us. For now, I need a nap.