#117 The Turtle Fez

#117 The Turtle Fez

Are you a turtle? ...I'm asking for a friend.

turtle The first Fez of the Week of 2014 is one that we have received quite a few of requests for over the years.

Usually in the form of some cryptic message with lots of acronyms. Sure, I was game to make a turtle themed fez, but I needed to find the right sort of mood for it. Lately I have noticed that I have developed an obsession with drawing anthropomorphic portraits featuring smug, aloof or even annoyed creatures. Almost as though they were well aware that I was drawing them.

During the Summer last year we did a featured artisan stint at the Wonderground Gallery in Anaheim. In between chatting with curious guests I decided to break our my sketch book and a number of sketches from that weekend have found their way to our fezzes. This gentleman turtle was among those sketches done that weekend. I do want to thank the vocal few that made sure to keep the turtle idea in mind over the last year. I hope this design meets your approval.

We are launching this as a Fez of the Week, it will be available for pre-order through January 26th, at which time we will start production and begin shipping them on a first-ordered, first-made basis.

Order your Turtle Fez by January 26th 2014

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