Sure the Golden Age of horror was back in the days of monochrome, but what monster worth his Midnight Movie Marathon hasn't had a full color reboot? OK, we’re still waiting to see if the Creature From the Black Lagoon reboot actually reaches screens next year, but I digress… often.
That’s why we’re bringing out the bloody hues for our full color Return of the Zombie Monkey Fez! It’s the same 2013 reboot you saw a few weeks back in glorious monochrome, but this one pulls no punches with this monkey’s intentions clearly displayed on our classic tall fez.
We’re running this one as a Fez of the Week so that means we will be taking Pre-orders for seven days then on October 18th we will collect all the orders and put them into production and ship them out just in time for your Halloween antics.
Reserve Your Zombie Monkey Fez Here!This design might return next October...