#105 The Ganesha Fez

Mighty Ganesha, Lord of Success and Destroyer of Obstacles finally gets his own fez!

ganesha This is one of those designs that had been in my mind for a long time. I have always loved the symbolism of Ganesha (or Ganesh) and not just because he rode around on the back of a rodent. Back on January I posted a sketch I had done during a particularly slow day. As is usually the case for my ideas, it sat percolating in the back of my head until I gave myself an April deadline. Instead of making this one a Fez of the Week, we went right into production as we have a number of shows coming up and I would like this guy to be present at each. Worshiped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth, Ganesha is just the thing to wear when you have some serious obstacles to knock down with the mighty power of KNOWLEDGE! We've taken the concept of a thinking cap and raised it to a whole new realm. ganesha_2 On the back you find Mushika, Ganesha's personal conveyance and reminder that you need to ride your desires and not let them ride you.

The first batch is done and ready to order!

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